国际研究生院是韩国江南大学与中国北方国际大学联盟合作共建的一个特色化的高端研究生院。主要面向亚洲地区各高校的本科毕业生及有意愿继续提升自我的社会在职人员,通过培养适应全球多样化具备管理能力的国际人才来发展并扩大国际人才交流,进而促进亚洲各国间的交流和社会发展。江南大学国际研究生院国际经营学硕士(GMBA)Global Master of Business Administration是顺应时代发展需求的一个新兴学位,目前已受到许多高端管理精英人士的青睐。2016年,江南大学将该项目向韩国教育部申报并获得批准,并于2017年进行首届招生。 The Global Master of Business Administration represents a new partnership between Kangnam University and the Beifang Education Group to establish a highly-personalized, academically excellent graduate program. This program is specifically designed for graduates of Asian universities who are committed to continued professional development. Through the cultivation of international talent, we aim to develop and expand international communication, thereby promoting regional development in Asia. A new era demands new qualifications, and it is in this regard that the Global Master of Business Administration has received praised from some of the highest experts in the field. After being approved by the South Korean Ministry of Education in 2016, the Kangnam University Global Master of Business Administration began to accept students in 2017.
江南大学是韩国著名私立大学,创建于1946年。建校70年以来,江南大学以追求民族和人类的真理、自由、平等与福利的同时,以基督教精神和弘益人间的理念为宗旨,不断培养出具有“敬天爱人”精神的人才。 Founded in 1946, Kangnam University has grown into one of the best-known private institutions of higher learning in South Korea. Over the past 70 years, Kangnam University has pursued the ideals of truth, freedom, equality, and prosperity not only for the nation, but for the greater good of mankind. Taking the twin values of Christian morality and serving the people as its ultimate goal, Kangnam University has demonstrated its ongoing commitment to training professionals with a deep-seated “respect for nature and love for mankind.”
江南大学作为韩国政府所认可的首都圈特色化优秀大学之一,其学历也受到中国政府相关机构的认可。现设有7个研究生院、5个学院、39个专业、以及3个独立学科。为了促进地区社会经济的发展和社会福利水平的提高,还设立了国际语言教育院、成人教育学院、志愿者中心等附属教育机构。 Kangnam University is recognized by the South Korean government as one of the highest ranked universities in the capital area, and its degrees are recognized by the relevant authorities in the Chinese government. With 7 graduate programs, 5 faculties, and 39 majors, in addition to 3 independent schools, Kangnam University is uniquely positioned to promote regional socio-economic development. In addition to these programs, Kangnam University has established the School of International Language Education, the School of Adult Continuing Education, the Center for Community Service, among other affiliated institutes.
为了跟上国际化时代的步伐,培养引导世界潮流的国际性人才,江南大学与39个国家地区的149个大学长期保持相互认证学分、语言进修、国际交流以及面向第三世界国家的援助合作等项目。 To keep pace with the advance of globalization and cultivate future global leaders, Kangnam university has signed long-term agreements with 149 universities in 39 countries for the mutual recognition of academic credit, provide language courses, promote international communication, and coordinate aid to third-world countries.
江南大学坐落在首尔地区龙仁市,位于首尔市西南部,距首尔中心仅30分钟车程。该地区产业发达,人文荟萃,高校云集。拥有相当丰富的著名企业实习资源。附近有三星电子公司、现代汽车研究所、板桥科技谷、器兴ICT科技谷、器兴高新技术产业园区、龙仁科技谷、爱宝乐园、龙仁民俗村等顶尖大型企业以及众多IT、CT、BT方面的创新企业。附近也有庆熙大学、檀国大学、亚洲大学、京畿大学、龙仁大学、明知大学、韩神大学等著名高校,形成了首尔高校园区。 Kangnam University is located in Yongin, a city lying in the southwestern-most corner of the Capital Area, roughly 30 minutes from downtown Seoul. Yongjin city is a developed cultural center, with a large number of academic institutions and corporate offices. As such, it is especially well-suited to facilitating internships at Samsung, Hyundai, Pangyo Techno Valley, Giheung-gu ICT Valley and Hi-tech Park, Yongjin Technology Valley, Everland, Yongjin Korean Folk Village, in addition to many other innovative IT, CT, and BT enterprises and technology parks. Nearby universities include Kyung Hee University, Dankook University, Kyonggi University, Yongjin University, Myongji University, and Hanshin University. Together with Kangnam University, these institutions form Seoul’s University City, a hub for innovative education initiatives.