微留学是北方国际大学联盟正在全面推广的国际交流与合作项目。该项目为学生提供走出国门的机会,开阔国际化视野,了解多元文化下的社会环境和管理特点。 Beifang International Education Group is in the process of establishing new study abroad programs for international exchange and cooperation. By providing our students with these unique opportunities, we hope to not only encourage them to broaden their horizons, but more importantly to give them the chance to understand the unique realities of diverse societies.
微留学项目目前分为加拿大、英国、美国、澳大利亚、奥地利和法国六大部分。微留学旨在深入借鉴学习高等教育发达国家的教学模式、特点和管理。帮助北方大学旗下高等院校走国际化办学的新模式。并通过使学生体验不同的教育模式、独特的教学资源搭建起全球化的视野。 Study abroad programs are currently available in six locations: Canada, England, United States, Australia, Austria and France. Our programs are designed to provide students with hands-on experiences with the form, content, and administration of higher education in developed countries, putting our schools on the path towards internationalization. At the same time, by giving our students the opportunity to experience different models of education, we hope to make use of a diverse array of teaching resources to create a portrait of globalization in the 21st century.
【加拿大微留学 Study Abroad in Canada】 加拿大海外课堂结合加拿大“绿色生活”的环境主导型文化特色。不仅仅在课堂中感受加拿大的教育模式,更会带领学生走出教室体验多样的户外运动,如高尔夫、登山、冰球、户外探险等;了解海洋文化,学习游艇驾驶;探索航天文化,亲自操控飞行杆。在不同的学习活动中体验加拿大人与自然的和谐之美。 BEG study abroad program in Canada is tied to the concept of “green living.” Canadian culture emerges from environmental awareness, and so, rather than simply relying on classroom instruction, we bring students out into nature, where they participate in a variety of activities: golfing, rock climbing, hockey, and orienteering; oceanography and sailing; and civil aviation, getting a chance to pilot an aircraft. Through these activities, our students begin to understand the harmony that Canadians have achieved with nature. 在加拿大,除了短期微留学项目之外,还另提供为期3个月的one semester program(OSP) 。OSP项目以商务课,领导力课和英语课为主调,结合不同的实践研究课程以及当地社区志愿服务活动, 帮助学生更深刻了解北美商业文化以及社区文化。同时,独立生活的环境和本地的多元文化,也能让学生进一步锻炼自主生活的能力和英文语言能力。 In Canada, besides the short-term study abroad program, a three-month (one semester program) is also provided to the students. The program focuses on business, leadership and English learning while combines with different practical research courses and local community volunteer activities to help students understand North American business culture and community culture. At the same time, the environment of independent living and local multiculturalism also provides students with an excellent opportunity to improve their English and learn to become more self-reliant.
【英国微留学 Study Abroad in England】 英国文化体验营将为广大学子提供英国高等教育课堂体验。由英国大学教师亲自授课,体验英国大学课堂;走访牛津、剑桥,零距离亲近世界顶尖名校。深入探索英国皇家文化。游览英女王府邸温莎城堡、威斯敏斯特教堂、白金汉宫,与英国绅士、贵族文化相遇,游历英国最耀眼的城市和文化。 Every year, our culture camp introduces a new group of students to higher education in England. Aside from attending lecture courses, our students tour the world-famous institutions of Oxford and Cambridge. To better understand the royal family, they visit Windsor Castle, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace. In the process of becoming familiar with the life of the English gentry, we visit some of the most dazzling destinations in the United Kingdom. 在游览中学习英国作为历史悠久盛名远洋的文明大国如何凭借自身的优势屹立世界强国之列。 During their trip, our students are encouraged to consider how England’s long history as a nation of seafarers has contributed to its ascent as a global superpower.
【美国微留学 Study Abroad in the United States】 以创新领导力课程为开端,学生们将在美国名校体验小班制互动教学。在课外实践课堂中,通过游览举世闻名的好莱坞星光大道、好莱坞环球影城,与奥斯卡亲密接触,站在娱乐产业的前端学习世界现代艺术产业的发展。探访美国著名私立和公立高校,走近街头文化的起源地,参访潮牌名企感受顶尖企业的创新力文化,提升思想格局、支撑起多维度知识架构。 Through the innovative leadership program, students will experience small class interactive teaching at world-famous American universities. During the extracurricular trip, by visiting the Walk of Fame, Universal Studios and Dolby Theatre-home of the Oscars, students will be brought to the very forefront of the entertainment industry, where they study the development of modern intellectual property. Besides, tours in well-known private and public universities, approaching the origin of street culture, visiting famous brand enterprises to experience the culture of creativity and innovation of top companies, students will be able to cultivate creative mindsets as well as broaden their horizons.
【澳大利亚微留学 Study Abroad in Australia】 澳大利亚文化体验营为学生提供经济中心“悉尼”--首都“堪培拉”的两站式体验,使学生在欣赏自然风光的同时,沉浸式体验现代英式教育。通过一等学府的定制全英文课程,学生将全面提高实用性英语能力。参观百年名校“悉尼大学”,“澳洲国立大学”等,感受世界顶尖学府的底蕴;游览举世闻名的“悉尼歌剧院”,“海港大桥”,圣玛利亚大教堂,感受历史文化和宗教艺术的魅力;走进首都议会大厅,零距离接触澳洲政治制度。从独特的文化遗产到令人惊叹的自然景观,从咖啡制作到悠闲的海滩生活,让学生从丰富的海外生活中提高独立生活技能,为以后出国深造打下坚实基础。 Our cultural camp in Australia, through a two-stop tour from the economic center Sydney to the capital city Canberra, allows students to experience modern English education while enjoying the unrivalled natural beauty. A highly customized English immersion course is designed to enhance students' language skills. All sorts of extracurricular activities will surely make the journey unforgettable: visiting the prestigious University of Sydney and Australian National University, listening to stories about those scientific breakthroughs that changed the world; joining a guided tour to world-renowned Opera House and Harbour Bridge, embracing the beauty of architecture; wandering in the symbolic parliament building, getting a snapshot of Australian history and political system. From unique cultural heritage to stunning natural landscapes, from coffee making workshops to leisurely beach life, our cultural camp is such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and a mind-opening experience that will help students to get ready for their future overseas life.
【奥地利微留学 Study Abroad in Austria】 奥地利文化体验营联手多所奥地利著名大学,采用德语区传统双轨制教学形式,上午教授理论课堂,下午实践体验,为学生提供感受中欧悠久文明的机会。从文化、艺术、环保、科技、社会、自然及沟通交流多维度入手,揭秘维也纳连续多年被评为世界最宜居都市。访问联合国维也纳总部、聆听金色大厅交响乐、探索维也纳远程供热中心、漫步维也纳大学、美泉宫等活动,为同学们带来奥地利独特的魅力。 With many world-famous Universities adopts the Austrian Cultural Experience Camp, the German-speaking area traditional dual teaching system, which means that Professor is lecturing in the morning and Practice learning in the afternoon, to offer our students an opportunity to experience long history and civilization of Central Europe. It proceeds multidimensional from culture, art, environmental protection, modern technology, society, nature, communication, and so forth, to demystify how the City Vienna was consecutive rated as “the World's most livable city” in the past decade. The program, such as visiting Vienna UNO Centre, listening concert in Musikverein, experiencing thermopower station, rambling at the University of Vienna and Schonbrunn Palace, will show our students the unique charm of Austria.