北方阳光基金奖学金项目旨在帮助对中国感兴趣外籍学生实地深入地体验中国文化,同时也与中国学生展开交流,帮助他们了解不同于中国文化的他国文化魅力,并在交流中提升彼此的外语能力。阳光基金会诚挚欢迎优秀的外籍学生参与北方国际大学联盟为期三个月的国际留学生奖学金项目,在北方国际大学联盟旗下的高等院校中感受中国教育和文化。 The Sunshine Scholarship aims to bring exceptional students to the campuses of the Beifang International Education Group to serve three month long terms as International Mentors. This program is designed to help students from all walks of life gain practical, hands-on experience in China, while also providing Chinese students with the chance to improve their conversational English and get to know their peers abroad.
如果你是... If you are...
如果你是开朗 At the top of your class 热情、友好 Friendly and outgoing 热爱探索新的文化 Crazy about foreign cultures
如果你享受挑战 Looking for an exciting challenge and 如果你的母语是英文 A native speaker of English
...我们渴望你来加入 ...then we want you to apply!
Spring and Fall 2018
Program #1
电影,视觉,表演艺术 Filmmaking, Visual, and Performing Arts 首都师范大学科德学院 Kede College of Capital Normal University
在首都师范大学科德学院,你会有机会和他人合作三个创意项目:漫画、演出和微电影。科德学院不只有全套的影音设备,还有最先进的电脑科技和世界顶级的表演礼堂来帮你完成你的梦想。 At Kede College of Capital Normal University, you’ll be given the chance to collaborate on three creative projects: a comic, a play, and a short film. With a full suite of recording studios and sound stages, in addition to the latest computer technology and a world-class performance hall, Kede College has everything you need to make your vision a reality!
实地考察: Field Trips:
北京电影学院、鸟巢体育馆 Beijing Film Academy and the Bird’s Nest Stadium
紫禁城、北海公园 The Forbidden Palace and Beihai Park
长城、承德行宫 The Great Wall and Chengde Imperial Palace
Program #2
商学、国际关系 Business and International Relations 北京工商大学嘉华学院 Canvard College of Beijing Technology and Business University 在北京工商大学嘉华学院,向我们展示你成为领导者的能力。作为这个富有创新和令人激动的项目的一部分,你会被要求设计一个商业计划,并向业内专业人士展示你的销售企划。 Show us you’ve got what it takes to be chairman of the board at Canvard College of Beijing Technology and Business University! As part of this innovative and exciting program, you’ll be asked to create business plans and deliver a winning sales pitch to a group of industry insiders.
实地考察: Field Trips:
中国国际贸易中心、中央电视台大楼 China World Trade Center and CCTV Pants Building
紫禁城、北海公园The Forbidden Palace and Beihai Park
长城、承德行宫 The Great Wall and Chengde Imperial Palace
Program #3
通过创意写作教授英语 Teaching English through Creative Writing 燕京理工大学 Yanching Institute of Technology 在燕京理工大学,通过成为ESL老师和写手这样特别的机会来提升你的技巧。你会和有经验的老师一起设计教学方案、练习课堂管理、提示打分技巧,同时也能会见当地的作家和出版商。 Develop your skills as an ESL teacher and writer with this unique opportunity at the Yanching Institute of Technology. You’ll work with experienced teachers to draw up detailed lesson plans, practice classroom management, and develop grading rubrics to assess student progress, while also getting a chance to meet with local authors and publishers.
实地考察: Field Trips:
北京书虫、三里屯 Beijing Bookworm and Sanlitun
紫禁城、北海公园 The Forbidden Palace and Beihai Park
长城、承德行宫 The Great Wall and Chengde Imperial Palace
Program #4
珠宝鉴赏和时尚设计 Gemology and Fashion Design 武汉工程科技大学 Wuhan University of Engineering Science College
领导一个由珠宝师和设计师组成的队伍,共同设计一套独一无二的珠宝和衣服。从T台到采购,再到展出,你会得到一个展示你自己实力与技巧的机会。 Lead a team of jewellers and designers in a project to develop a unique jewelry and clothing accessories line. From opening night on the catwalk, to marketing materials and displays, you’ll have a chance to put your skills as a budding brand manager to the test.
实地考察: Field Trips:
汉口古城、扬子江 Hankou Old Town and Yangzte River Tour
湖北省博物馆、曾侯乙墓 Hubei Provincial Museum and the Tomb of the Marquis Yi of Zeng
黄鹤楼诗词表演 Poetry recital at the Yellow Crane Tower
Program #5
手工艺和电子商务 Handicrafts and E-commerce 云南大学商学院 Yunnan Normal University Business School
在云南大学商学院,融合了中国云南省西南地区的手工艺和最新的电子商务平台。云南大学商学院地处中国最受欢迎的旅游地区之一,它是你亲自上手体验的绝佳地点。 Bring together the handicrafts of China’s southwestern Yunnan province with the latest e-commerce platforms at Yunnan Normal University Business School. Located in one of China’s most popular tourist destinations, Yunnan Normal Business School is the ideal place to get hands-on experience in this new and growing field.
实地考察: Field Trips:
昆明湖、圆通寺 Green Lake and Yuantong Temple
石林、大叠水瀑布 Stone Forest and Dadieshui Waterfall
云南民族村 Yunnan Minority Village
周一到周五,你会参加小讨论组来设计并完成你的作业。 Monday through Friday, you will participate in small group seminars, planning and completing your assignments.
课后,你会分散你的时间到准备小讨论组、学校中国文化和生活。你会和当地学生一起进行一些活动,比如: After class, you’ll be expected to split your time between preparing for seminar and learning about Chinese culture and lifestyles through extracurricular activities with local students, such as…
篮球比赛 Pick-up basketball games
电脑游戏、桌游RPG/MOBA/LoL LAN and table game parties
读书会、电影 Book clubs and movie screenings
登山、大学周边游玩 Hikes and day trips around the university
福利 Benefits...
作为你优异表现的回报,我们会提供 In exchange for your hard work, you will be provided with
去往中国的往返机票 One roundtrip ticket to China and back
住宿每2人一标准间,有卫生间 A shared 2-person dorm room with attached bathroom for the duration of your stay
每月补贴生活费5000元人民币(包含勤工奖学金) A monthly stipend of 5000 RMB to cover living and miscellaneous expenses (visa application fees, medical exams, immunization shots, etc)
中文课程(可选)Chinese classes (optional)
三次远足考察旅行(两次两天以内的旅行,地点可考虑周边著名景点或者是市中心;一次三天以内的旅行地点可选择距离稍远的著名地域;所有旅行由所在学校进行安排)Three all-expenses paid field trips: two day trips to a major city center or cultural hot spot, and one overnight trip further afield
How to Apply
Send us a one-page personal statement, along with your CV, and scanned university transcript including your most recent term. Reference letters are optional, but highly recommended! Preference will be given to second-year and above university students
Who can demonstrate exceptional academic performance
Who are interested in exploring out-of-the-way corners of the Middle Kingdom
Who are non-traditional, first generation college students from diverse backgrounds
In your personal statement, please specify which academic term you will be applying for:
Spring Term - March, April, May Deadline: January 15, 2018
Fall Term - September, October, November Deadline: July 15, 2018
Please send your completed application materials to [email protected]